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Try Not To Hurt Yourself With Quit Smoking

For South Tangerang residents, if smoking indiscriminately there will be sanctions ranging from warning to 3 months prison confinement. It is regulated in Bylaw No. 4 of 2016 on Non Smoking Areas.

Bone-Bone Village is the first Non-Smoking Village in the world, since 2000 ago. The Village Head implements this rule for one reason because poor families in this area can not afford to send their children to school because their father spent a lot of money on cigarettes.

Be the best mother and parent for our children. Protect them from cigarette smoke, stop smoking!

Aceh is serious in implementing Non-Smoking Areas in 7 KTR Areas. For a fine person (general) Rp 100 thousand, for the leadership of the company Rp 500 thousand, and the person in charge of KTR Rp 5 million. And if there is a cigarette advertisement in the KTR zone, then the penalty is dismissed and a fine of Rp 500 thousand / advertisement. The regulation will be effective starting 2017! Get ready to monitor all Acehnese!

Houses should be clean of cigarette smoke to protect women and children. Smoking in the home is a form of domestic violence.

The farmers claimed tobacco had been affected by the uncertain climatic climate and was hit by many pests, threatening the growing tobacco quality. In addition, the capital spent tobacco production is quite large. While the sale price of production can only be determined by the middleman.

There are still public transport in Jakarta that is contaminated with tobacco smoke. Mothers, parents, and children are at risk of suffering from other people's cigarette smoke. Protect them! Stop smoking on public transport!

Bogor City gained appreciation as the leading city in the Non Smoking Area at the world conference, The 47th Union World Conference on Lung Health, Liverpool, England, 27-28 October 2016.

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In addition to damaging your heart and lungs, smoking can also damage your mouth and teeth you know! Smoking affects the chemical balance in the mouth, excessive plaque formation, making teeth yellow, and caries occur.

Burger Disease (Buerger Disease) is a disease that attacks the blood vessels (arteries & veins) caused by the cigarette nicotine blockage.

Currently the train becomes one of the main transportation of citizens, strangely enough there are people who smoke in the station environment. Let's create a healthy train station environment in Indonesia without smoke!

Becoming a hero today is not just fighting or doing great heroic things. Not smoking is one form of being a hero for yourself. Stop smoking right now!

Cigarettes are a source of disease for your body and your health!

Let's quit smoking early ,,

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